Going It Alone.

If you’re a regular around these parts, you may recall that a few weeks ago I wrote a post about some changes in my life (professionally), and the opportunities that those changes brought. And now I am so, so happy to say that everything seems to be going better than I could have possibly hoped.

Cocktail Hour | Mint Juleps

To follow up with yesterday’s post about planning the perfect Kentucky Derby party, I decided that I should probably pass along the official recipe for the Derby drink of choice – Mint Juleps. According to the Kentucky Derby website, Early Times Mint Julep Ready-to-Serve Cocktail has been the official drink of the Kentucky Derby for nearly 20 […]

A Spring In My Step.

It’s spring, officially and the weather is almost there. Earlier this week it was 70 degrees outside so I moved my office (ahh, the benefits of working from home) outside to grab some Vitamin D and just enjoy it. However, a couple of days I woke up to see a thin layer of snow on my […]

Wedding Wednesday | The Veil

For my entire life I’ve had a couple of dreams for my wedding – and one of them was to have a loooooong veil. I’ve also always loved the way a blusher (the piece of the veil that falls in front of the brides face) looks. (Oh, and one of the only things my father […]