Awkward & Awesome #1

Alright, so I am taking a page out of The DayBook (ha, see what I did there?). Every once in a while, Sydney does posts about things that are Awkward & Awesome. I’ve decided that in an effort to amp up the regular “features” of the blog, I am going to copy her idea & do “Awesome & Awkward” posts every week or so. 
So … the first ever Awkward & Awesome … here we go.
  1. Seeing someone you know across the room & waving… & then realizing you have no idea who they are.
  2. Job interviews where you can kind of tell that the person interviewing you doesn’t like you.
  3. Being offered a job & being told that an offer will be put together for you, and then not hearing back from the company for about 3 weeks (even though you’ve done your part to follow-up in completely non-obnoxious ways, and they’ve told you that they will get back to you shortly, but they don’t… whoops… end rant).
  4. The time after getting your armpits waxed when they aren’t smooth & awesome anymore, but you can’t have them waxed again yet. (Boyfriend does NOT love this time.)
  5. Toddlers and Tiaras. I am pretty sure that everything that happens on that show is a form of child abuse. 
  1. Laughing so hard you’re abs are sore.
  2. Finding a fantastic purse in the back of your closet that you completely forgot you owned.
  3. Getting to see Boyfriend after a week apart.
  4. Waking up in the morning and knowing you are going to have a great day.
  5. The Jersey Shore. Seriously, even though those people are complete messes & are famous for being constantly drunk & out of control, they are hilarious to watch.