New Years Resolutions

Well, it’s that time of year again … New Year’s Resolution time!
I intentionally didn’t post this until a few days after January 1st because I wanted to be certain that I was ready to make this “commitment.” 
Throughout 2010 & 2011 I was really, really hard on myself for lots of things – some of which I could control, and some of which I couldn’t.
So – my main goal of 2012 is to find happiness and satisfaction with everything that I do, and to let the things I can’t control roll off my back (… this will be difficult). 
Even if I don’t do something perfectly, or don’t 100% meet expectations (which are usually ridiculously high and set by myself) it will be alright, as long as I enjoyed myself while doing it. 
I am going to continue to work really hard to kick this anxiety thing out of my life (with the help and support of my family, friends… and glorious team of doctors – haha), and be satisfied with the baby steps, rather than becoming frustrated when it doesn’t just disappear all at once the way I want it to.

Some other, smaller, resolutions are:
  • Blogging more, and creating some type of schedule and sticking to it.
  • Going on fun little adventures more often (instead of being such a homebody) – this will go hand in hand with the anxiety thing though…
  • Being better at time management. I’m great at it during working hours, but once I get home I watch TV or read a book and suddenly it’s bedtime and I didn’t accomplish any of the things I needed to get done.
  • Learning to cook ~ I’m really, really excited for this one!
Share your 2012 Resolutions in the comments, via Twitter, or on Facebook!