The Robsten Conspiracy

Listen, I don’t want to sound delusional or anything because I really don’t care about Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson. But … you’re going to tell me that one of the most notoriously private actresses made out with a married man (Rupert Sanders, the director of Snow White and the Huntsman) on the side of the road, in broad day light, and that he looked STRAIGHT AT THE CAMERA during it, and they carried on?
Something seems a little weird about this.
Especially (and I know, I am getting into delusional person territory now) Kristen’s public apology. It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever read – it’s so out of character for her. She’s never publicly admitted that she’s dating Rob, and then in an apology she says she loves him? 
I don’t know – it all seems a little “off” to me.