We Bought A House!


The last few months have been a whirlwind, to say the least. I started my new job in January. I finished planning my wedding and actually had said wedding. We went on our honeymoon. I expanded my company – CEDComm – to include full-service event/wedding planning (and yes, I’ve already landed clients!). We bought a house. […]


The Blogtini

I’m Married!  I know that every bride says this, but it was really, truly, absolutely, positively the best day of my life. And I can’t imagine that it could have gone any more smoothly. As far as I’m aware, there weren’t any mishaps or problems – and if there were, then my family did an amazing […]

Are Prince Harry and Emma Watson Dating!? | The Royal Blogtini

Prince Harry Emma Watson

Shut the front door! Rumor has it that Prince Harry, Britain’s (the world’s?) most eligible bachelor might be off the market… and that Emma Watson is the lucky lady to have snagged him. Or, to flip that around – rumor has it that Prince Harry might just be lucky enough to have landed himself the fiercest, […]

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge NOT Hiring A New Nanny | The Royal Blogtini

Prince William Kate Middleton

Rumors had been running rampant that The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton) had plans to hire an additional nanny after the birth of their second child – due in April.   And this news was decidedly not  well received by members of the general public. After all, the royal duo […]

After A Bit of Thought…

I’m heading back to the roots. I just took a deep, deep dive into my Google Analytics and tried to figure out what it is that you folks (if any of the original “you” are still around) like to read most, and here’s what I came  up with: Royals Fashion Celebs Beauty Perhaps I’ll still […]