Holiday Gift Guide 2014 | Gifts For Gents

Hey there friends! Today I’ll be sharing my gifts for guys Holiday Gift Guide. And, let’s be honest, this was ridiculously difficult. Seriously. Just ask Chuck – I’ve been whining for weeks because I had absolutely no idea what to get him for Christmas. (Note: I blame this on him being a compulsive shopper and not me being […]

The British Invasion

Today’s been a weird day, to say the least. I woke up snug as a bug in my apartment only to be reminded that my fiance would be leaving to go visit some friends in Maine. And then I remembered that my parents are out of town, as is one of my sisters, and my […]

Okay, so I’m an anxious mess…

Here’s a fun (?) fact about me… I have anxiety. Like really, really, really bad anxiety. It’s not something I generally like to talk about, but it’s something that I can’t really avoid talking about – or at least acknowledging in some way. Right now, my life is busier than ever. I’m working full-time at a new […]

Fall Fashion Inspiration

It’s been wonderfully crisp here in Rhode Island for the last few days, which has put me in the mood for Fall – full force. (I’m selectively ignoring the fact that the news is reporting “warm and muggy” weather coming up… how is that even possible?!) Now that I’m back in an office full-time (and still growing […]