Nearly 6 months ago – in mid-January – I gave birth via a planned c-section to Connor, a beautiful, healthy baby boy. The road to meeting him was interesting and a bit scary at times, but what happened after was hell on Earth. My husband and I were lucky in that we didn’t have to […]
Author: Courtney
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Confirm Engagement
Well, what a lovely surprise to wake up to! This morning (at 5am ET) Clarence House released the highly anticipated statement confirming the engagement of HRH Prince Henry of Wales (more informally, and frequently known as Prince Harry) and his American-born actress girlfriend Meghan Markle. The statement reads: His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales […]
Oreo Trifle
Okay, I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m an amazing chef. I’m not. I can cook a couple of things moderately well – and sometimes I’ll make something outstanding but almost never be able to repeat it. But I’m working on it! In the meantime, I’ve done my best to nail a few […]
Prepping For Baby | Gift Registries
I’m going to write something right now that is going to make every single mom (and dad, probably) roll their eyes and say “duh.” Prepping for a baby is a LOT of work. I mean, I knew it would be a lot of work – obviously. I didn’t think that I was going to get […]
Thanksgiving Planning
As I mentioned in last week’s post, this year my husband and I are hosting Thanksgiving for the first time ever, ahhh! When we completed our not-so-hostile takeover of the holiday it seemed like a good idea, but I obviously didn’t realize I’d be nearly seven (!!) months pregnant (although I did hope I would […]
The Holiday Divide
I’m going to be blunt: Holidays have always been a bit of a pain for my husband and I. Why? Because we both want to spend the holidays with each other and we also both want to see our families – BOTH of our families. We have never split up for the holidays, even when […]
Royal Roundup | Prince Harry in Chicago & Kate at Kensington Palace
I know, I know. I disappear forever, write a post about posting more… and yet I still can’t drop the royal content. I can’t help it guys – royals just make me happy! They’re a little bit of living, breathing history and I’m just fascinated by it all. Anywho, The Duchess of Cambridge (nee Kate […]
GLO Skincare Review
If you’ve been reading for a while (or even for like, 3 blog posts) you may know that I’m fortunate enough to own my own business handling social/digital marketing and content creation for clients. One of these clients is a local, successful spa/skincare boutique and let me tell you – I have reaped the rewards […]
- Cocktail Hour
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Cocktail Hour | Mocktail Spiked Cider
As you may or may not know, I’m not a huge drinker (I just love playing hostess!), and since I’m pregnant that means I haven’t had one sip of alcohol since the end of May (yep, celebrated my #dirty30 completely sober… while on vacation. Mostly I just napped a lot.). But that doesn’t mean that I […]
A Little Life Update
Wow. Just… wow. So much has happened since the last time I wrote (May!) that I feel like I’m just coming up now for air. Since the seasons are changing and there are even more huge things coming up, I figured that now would be the perfect time for me to give a little update […]