Link Love | #1

Happy Friday! Per usual (or… as I used to do back in the day but have just decided to start doing again), this week’s Link Love is a whole bunch of stuff that I’m loving from around the Interwebs. Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are engaged – again. And I am thriiiilled. Seriously. I loved them together. […]

Tasty Lasagna Rolls

Today I’m sharing my tasty Lasagna Roll recipe with you all! As I mentioned earlier, learning to be a better cook and being a bit more adventurous in the kitchen is one of my favorite things about #adulting. When Chuck and I were living in our apartment there was a lot of pizza, mac and […]

Royal Roundup | #1

This time of year is a relatively quiet one on the royal front – The Queen and Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh are still up at Sandringham for their winter retreat, and The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton, are laying low as Prince George adjusts to going to school […]

Hello… It’s Me.

Recently, I’ve felt that my life was in a bit of a rut, which is part of why I decided to bring back the blogging full-force and organize my little piece of the Internet. Whatever type of day I’m having, sitting down and writing just makes me feel a little more calm and centered, and […]