
I’ll be honest. I’ve gone back and forth with how to handle The Blogtini in recent weeks. I’m now blogging for three other websites, in addition to writing for my clients,  AND my full-time job, and I’ve been struggling to keep up here. To make it a bit easier I’ve decided to go back, at […]

New Year Resolutions

It’s  been a few days, but I’ve finally decided to sit down and think about my New Years Resolutions. There’s some statistic out there that says 80% of people will break their resolutions within the first month… and that’s always me. Always. So this year I’m trying to be a bit more realistic.   Here […]

Christmas Eve Traditions

Growing up, I distinctly remember Christmas Eve being the most fun night ever. My parents used to host a huge Christmas Eve party, where all the adults would bring my sisters and I presents and then get rip-roaring drunk. As the adults got older, the parties quieted down. And as my sisters and I got older […]

Introducing Emy & Livy!

If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or Instagram then this is old news but if not… get ready for complete cuteness overload. After putting Sasha down a few weeks ago Boyfriend and I were absolutely heartbroken. And after spending a few days home alone while Boyfriend was on a business trip it became […]