I’m just sayin’…

How did I miss the boat on becoming a Disney starlet?  Not that I would necessarily want to make my millions by being a tween-idol, but why couldn’t my parents have shoved me into the spotlight, a la Michael and Dina Lohan (I swear I wouldn’t have turned out like their misfit of a daughter), or like Billy Ray and whats-her-face (his wife… Trish?).  Miley Cyrus is like – the richest kid on the planet.  Surely my parents would have signed my soul away to the Mouse if they knew that might be my future – right??

In other news – I bought an amazing pair of Michael Kors sunglasses at Nordstrom the other day.  They don’t seem to exist anywhere on the internet though, so a picture is hard to come by.  But I assure you – they are gorgeous.  🙂

Also – last night I got 3.5 hours of sleep – and functioned like a normal human being today – all day.  Including right now, when I should be comatose.  I wonder if that means my amazing ability to function for weeks on end with only about 2 hours of sleep per night is coming back.  I kind of miss the days when I had more free time than I knew what to do with, haha.