You’re disappointing me, Sir.

An Open Letter to Perez Hilton:

Dear Perez,

Generally – I think you are fantastic.  I’ve been reading your site for a ridiculously long time.  You’ve always allowed me to be a source of knowledge for my friends – anytime anyone brings up anything Hollywood related, I’m the go-to-girl for information, and I used to give you all the credit.

But lately, you’ve slacked off.  I am getting information from other sites HOURS (sometimes DAYS!) before it hits your page.  I know you’re busy now – since you’ve basically become a celebrity yourself.  You’ve got your label, your tours, your merchandise, your TV appearances (and your lawsuits).  But that isn’t enough – you’re supposed to be filling my brain with useless knowledge about the Twilight cast, celebrity babies and hot messes.  WHAT GIVES?  I know celebrities are probably thrilled when some of the stupid shit they do slips by your radar now, and that if/when you decide to post it they’ve already done damage control – but I am NOT impressed.  I miss the old days when everything that was posted to your site was breaking news – not common knowledge.

Also – your protegé … I am not a fan.  I can’t even remember her name, but she isn’t nearly as good as the original.  She’s actually kind of annoying.  You may want to consider telling her to tone it the eff down.

.end rant.

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One Reply to “You’re disappointing me, Sir.”

  1. Wow, impressive rants. It may be even more impressive if the ranter is my daughter. Is it? I think it might be.

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