Sundays + Football = … happiness?

So, every weekend my boyfriend and I have the same conversation.  I whine (and yes, I admit – I am whining), because he will be watching [college] football all day Saturday, [NFL] all day Sunday & then again on Monday evening.  Since I am currently in school back home in Southeastern MA and he is living up in Nashua, NH due to his job, we only get to see eachother 2, maybe 3 nights per week. And when 2 of those nights are taken up with football watching ~  I get more than a little peturbed.

I know that this is a common relationship hot spot for all couples, not just me & my dearest. Proof of that fact is that at the beginning of football season it was a commonly discussed predicament on my favorite SiriusXM radio station (Cosmo Radio) and it also appears in just about every magazine I read, as well as every magazine my boyfriend reads (although the view points differ in each). So – what is the solution? Because after 3.5 (on the closer end to 4) years, we haven’t been able to come up with one.  The nearest we’ve come to a “solution” is that since he likes watching football, and it’s pretty much the biggest joy in his life, I can do my homework undisturbed while he watches a bunch of grown men chase an oddly shaped ball up and down the field. But I’d rather be spending that time doing things together, rather than being in the same room doing things separately.

And what’s worse ~ I used to actually like to watch football.  Well – not so much LIKE it, but I could tolerate watching the home team New England Patriots on Sundays, and my dad’s alma mater (and thus “my team”) the Michigan Wolverines on Saturdays. But every game, every pre-show game, and every post game show of the weekend… it gets old, FAST.

Adding to our disagreement is the fact that at least 1 weekend a month his time with me is totally forfeited so that he can watch football with his buddies in Boston.  I am ALL FOR male bonding – god knows I have no desire to hear all the things that they are ACTUALLY thinking about their girlfriends, the random girl who just walked into the bar, etc – but when it cuts into the very short amount of time I “get” him for every week, it’s irritating.

So ~ I know that maybe I am being slightly more than a little unreasonable in wanting my boyfriend all to myself on Saturdays and Sundays, and I KNOW (because he’s told me) that there is pretty much no way out but through when dealing with his football watching necessity.

So what’s an amiable solution?  Because me staring @ magazines or homework (… and let’s be honest, its generally magazines) for 8 hours per day, 2 days per week gets a little old, especially when its during the only few times I get to see my guy.