33 Saved.

So the 33rd Chilean miner just came out of the mine.  I literally got chills. Yes, there are 5 rescue workers still down there, but these 33rd have been through hell.  One of them had never  been in a mine before (he’s a hydraulic engineer) and was only in there that day to fix an […]

Miner #21

So as the entire world watches with baited breath as the 33 Chilean miners are pulled from their home of 69 days [EDIT: IT’S 1/2 MILE!, MY BAD!]2 miles underground, I was particularly anxious to see the “homecoming” of miner #21. This particular man is married. This particular man also has a mistress. And this […]

The Road to 1L

Growing up, I always wanted to be a lawyer – it looks  so damn cool.  Legally Blonde (both the movie and the musical) pretty much cemented my desire – blonde sorority girl who decides to be a lawyer and looks super cute while doing it?  HELLO… sounds wonderful. Ok let’s be serious. I wanted to […]

Eaaaasy kids.

So, I woke up at 5:45am and began my trek from NH to Southeastern MA (ie: from my boyfriend’s house to my house), because my boyfriend wakes up at the ridiculously unappetizing hour of 5am. And as I am driving down the highway, in the dark, and rain, I realized that EVERY SINGLE CAR was […]

Sundays + Football = … happiness?

So, every weekend my boyfriend and I have the same conversation.  I whine (and yes, I admit – I am whining), because he will be watching [college] football all day Saturday, [NFL] all day Sunday & then again on Monday evening.  Since I am currently in school back home in Southeastern MA and he is […]