Lace Me Up

Ok so, as far as I am concerned, Emma Watson, Dakota Fanning and Camilla Belle can do no wrong when it comes to hitting the red carpet. Kristen Stewart has also been putting forth a lot of effort recently and looking phenomenal when she steps out.
Yesterday, Emma Watson and the rest of the Harry Potter kids attended the London premier of Harry Potter 7, and I just HAD to post a pic of Emma. She looks amazing! 
{Question – I’m confused… doesn’t Brown have some sort of attendance policy? It’s almost time for finals – shouldn’t she be in school, learning?}


Her cute, lace LBD reminds me of the lace dress Britney Spears sported pre-emotional collapse a few years ago – but the feather skirt on the bottom keeps it playful, cute, and age appropriate. Britney looked hot in her dress too – but it was more of a skanky-hot than a cute-hot.

Click the “Read More” button below to see some of my favorite Dakota, Camilla and Kristen red carpet looks.