… Welcome to Unemployment?

Well – it looks like I am back to the “I have no idea what to do with my life so I will cry” point in time. 
I made the decision to leave law school. I pretty much thought I had a job lined up & in the bag. Then I found out that isn’t necessarily the case & I’ve been strung along. (Due to bad intentions on their part, not misunderstanding on mine – I swear!)
Luckily, I didn’t officially withdraw from Law School yet, so I am still enrolled & able to start classes on Monday. Unluckily – I have yet to purchase the 2 new books I will need for the 2nd semester of 1L and that will cost a nifty $200. FUN!
BUT – since it looks like I am officially going to be unemployed & back in law school, I’ve got another couple days of being on vacation & sitting around doing nothing – which is FUN! I kind of love it. 
Today, I will also (in addition to sitting on my ass) go to the mall to spend my gift cards & purchase new clothes. Toward the end of the summer I was told I had LPR, which is a ridiculously severe form of acid reflux (and the reason I had a mysterious cotton-ball feeling in my throat at all times). So I stopped eating terribly & drinking coffee & soda (and I miss it all a lot). But as soon as I stopped eating calzones every night, BOOM – dropped 20 lbs. So now all my clothes are too big. I’ve snagged up a few pairs of new jeans and stuff (no work clothes, because very soon after I quit my job for law school), but I want some more pairs of jeans that fit perfectly. 
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