Stylish Blogger Award

Alright so, as I mentioned yesterday, my friend Lauren over at Wayfarers & Worksheets gave me the Stylish Blogger award. It’s just a little appreciation award from one blogger to another, and I am obviously going to pass on the love.

The Rules
  1. Link to the blogger(s) who gave the award
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself
  3. Pass the award on to 15 ladies {Editorial Note: I only have 12 people I’d like to pass this along to. Sorry!}

My 7 Facts
  1. I’m the oldest of three girls (my poor father), and my youngest sister, T, looks almost identical to me, even though I am 6 years older than her.
  2. I loooove reading – books, magazines, cereal boxes. If it’s got letters, I’ll read it. 
  3. Speaking of letters, I was in a sorority in college & miss it desperately. I watch the show Greek on ABC Family because it reminds me of the good ol’ days.
  4. I graduated from college in December 2008, one semester early. It seemed like a good idea at the time… until all my friends went back to college & I went hunting for a job.
  5. My boyfriend & I met in college – he was in a fraternity. We were best friends for about a year & then I confessed that I had a crush on him… and then refused to speak to him for 3 hours while he texted & called me to ask wtf I was talking about. Then he asked me out on our first date, which was probably the most awkward first date in the history of first dates – I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I barely spoke to him & didn’t touch a bite of my food. It’ll be 4 years in March. 🙂
  6. I have a cat (Sasha) that is so petrified of my mom’s dogs (Rufus & Toby) that she has refused to come out of the basement for about 7 years. It’s very sad. But the basement is ginormous & there’s lots of comfy furniture down there, so she’s alright.
  7. My goal in life is to one day own a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes & Chloe jeans. Shallow goal, I know.
15 Blogs I Am Sharing This Award With
  1. Sydney at The DayBook
  2. Brittany at Torts & Tiaras
  3. Miss Sorority at Her Sorority Life
  4. Tamara at Blitz & Glam
  5. Miss Rose at Rose A La Mode
  6. Miss Rose at Through Rose Tinted Lenses
  7. Cara at Cara’s Cravings
  8. Sally at Mais Fica
  9. Miss Political at Politically Sweet
  10. Miss Suburban at The Life of a Suburban Princess
  11. Carly at The College Prepster
  12. Daisy at Daisy, JD