Unemployment Stinks & Camille Grammer Is INSANE!

So now that I am unemployed, I feel guilty every time I am on my computer & not looking at a career website (Monster.com, Indeed.com, LinkedIn.com, etc.), which is super inconvenient for blogging purposes. Fact: I would much rather be blogging.
In personal news: I’ve been on a few interviews, and had a few “phone screens”. I’ve also met with a couple staffing agencies. So far I’ve got a few good leads, but I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much, since I know that it’s rough out there in the job searching world, and there’s a million people more qualified than I am applying for the same exact jobs.
Also – my friend Lauren over at Wayfarers & Worksheets included me in a fun little award ceremony thing for bloggers, and I will be doing my part tomorrow & putting up my “winners” – so stay tuned for that! If anyone can think of a blog that deserves to win a fun award, drop me a comment since I need to include 15 people & so far can only think of 7, whoops. I’ll check out the blogs & decide if I think they’re up to The Blogtini’s standards. 🙂
I just finished watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills {Editorial Note: I am writing this on Thursday night & scheduling it to post on Friday morning}.Y’all know how much I love my reality TV.
Kelsey Grammer & his (soon to be)
ex-wife Camille
Let me just start by saying I feel like a douchebag, really. I have never been so excited to hear that someone is getting a divorce. But seriously – this chick totally had it coming. 
Anywho – tonight was the next-to-last episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and the thing I have been waiting for ALL SEASON finally happened… Camille got dumped. 
Now – let’s discuss why I am so thrilled that a couple that’s been together for 13 years & has 2 children is getting a divorce, shall we?
  1. Camille is batshit crazy, and Kelsey seems like a down to Earth dude.
  2. She picks ridiculous fights with people (namely Kyle) where she is SO clearly wrong, yet she refuses to be rational.
  3.  Camille has this guy friend named Nick that follows her around on the show that she flirts with like crazy & basically makes out with 24/7 – so yeah, not okay.
  4. Her boobs are way too big – they look ridiculous.
  5. In the episode where she & her children head to NYC to see Kelsey in his play, she is terrible. She complains that her huge Manhattan apartment is “far too small” & acts like her kids have some terribly contagious disease.
  6. She has 2 kids. This in itself is not a bad thing, except for the fact that she has 4 nannies.
  7. When she & her “house manager” plan her trip to Hawaii she is so obnoxious. “It is just so much work, I don’t know how I get it all done. Ok, so is all the staff coming? Did you rent the cars? Did you have them turn on the hot tubs & the heat in the pool? Will someone go grocery shopping? Oh geez that was exhausting. How do I do it?” – shaddup lady. You’re bringing a staff of six with you on a vacation to Hawaii (… only 2 nannies – the horror!)
  8. Also, her voice is ridiculous – she speaks with a Boston Brahmin accent type thing, but not quite. Mostly just a pretentious “I have a stick up my ass” accent. Yeah – that’s it.
So there you have it. The reason that, for the first time in history, when I heard a dude cheated on his wife, I kinda cheered him on. And believe me, I am 150% completely against people cheating. It’s wrong. It’s disgusting. And when you’re married, you should be in it forever, not just until you get bored & want something new. But again, this chick deserved it. 
So what do you guys think: Am I overreacting? Did Camille do all that for the show? 
{PS: Don’t forget to follow The Blogtini on Twitter & on Facebook!}