Lady Gaga’s Ulterior Motive

Alright, I admit it. I am kind of a conspiracy theorist. Kind of. I don’t generally come up with my own conspiracy theories, but I buy into them pretty easily (of course there are aliens!). 
This one, however – I’ve come up with all on my own, and for some reason everyone I’ve brought it up to has been disagreeing, so I’m going to put it out there for the Blogosphere to decide.
My theory is thus: Lady Gaga dresses in absolutely ridiculous outfits 95% of the time to draw attention to herself, and also to distract us, so that for the 5% of the time she is wearing normal clothes, she just gets lost in the crowd and no one knows the difference.
Yes, I know. I’m sure she wants us to think that she dresses that way as some sort of existential expression of something or other. But really, I don’t buy it. She was raised on the Upper East Side, and went to a high school that costs almost $38,000 per year. (That’s insane, by the way. I mean – a big kudos to anyone who can afford to send their child to a school that expensive, but … holy crap dude.)
I mean, let’s be honest. Lady Gaga (aka Stefanie Germanotta) is an average looking girl. She isn’t stunningly beautiful like Kim Kardashian, or hideous like… well … lots of people I can think of that I’m not going to name. She’s just a normal looking human being.  And like any other normal human being, I’m sure she wants to do things like go to the dentist and grocery store without 120 cameras in her face. So, I think she plays a little trick on us. 
Let me know what you think – is Lady Gaga playing a game of hide and seek with her crazy outfits, or is she just insane?