
My friend Lauren, from Wayfarers & Worksheets, has tagged me in this fun “get to know you” post. Lauren and I were both in sororities at the same university; we were friends, had a couple classes together, and our paths crossed more than once a day (literally – our sorority houses were only 1 street away). But whenever we do these things I learn so much about her (and everyone else I tag), and I love reading them! And thankfully, she sent this to me as I try to maintain my New Year’s Resolution of blogging more frequently.

The rules are:

1. Each person must post 11 Things about them on their blog.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set up for you and come up with 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
3. Choose 11 people that you are going to tag, and tag them in your post.
4. And finally, make sure you let them know that you tagged them!
P.S. No Tag Backs

11 Things About Me: 

  1. I’m a natural brunette, but I’ve been highlighting my hair since I was 11 – so I have no idea what color my hair actually is anymore.
  2. I’m 5’2″ & the shortest person in my family (with the exception of my 9 and 6 year old cousins).
  3. My favorite color is purple – even though everything on this blog is pink.
  4. In my sorority I was in the Koala family, and thus have stuffed Koalas all over the place.
  5. I hate cities – haaate them. They’re too hectic. But the country is too large, and empty. So I am definitely best suited for the suburbs.
  6. When I took my driver’s permit test (the written exam) I passed it on the first try. But when I went to take the eye exam I failed, because I’m almost legally blind.
  7. I am a complete nerd. Seriously. My favorite books are Historical fiction… 
  8. … and, to further the above, I am also completely enraptured with doing my family’s genealogy (or anyone’s, for that matter). If I could turn that into a career, I totally would.
  9. I’ve had a cat – Sasha – since I was about 6 years old & she was already about 1 year old when I got her… I stole her from my grandparent’s house. (She’s about 19 years old.)
  10. I passed my driver’s license test on the first try – even though I took a left when I was supposed to take a right. 
  11. My boyfriend & I have been together for almost 5 years… that isn’t really anything new, but I ran out of things to write about.

Who I’m Tagging 
I suck, there isn’t 11 here – I didn’t want to put blogs that I don’t love!

The Questions Lauren Asked Me: 

1.  If you could travel to one place in the world, where would it be?
Hm… England (to do all of the tourist-y things) & Portugal (both the mainland & the Azores)

2. What is your “specialty” in the kitchen?

… does cereal count? 

3. What do you think your “12 year old self” would say about the life you have now?
I think my 12 year old self would be shocked that I dropped out of law school because at 12 that was what I really wanted to do. She’d also be shocked that I went to UMass Amherst… but she’d be thrilled with my boyfriend & the friends that I made. She wouldn’t be at all surprised that I joined a sorority – and she’d love the fact that my boyfriend was a fraternity president.

4.  What is one goal you have for 2012?
There’s a few that I’m not prepared to release into the world yet, so we’ll go with the safe one: get a better handle on my anxiety. 

5. What is your favorite blog you are reading at the moment?
Oh gosh, I love them all. I’m really, really excited for my friend Lauren D. to start posting about her adventures in Italy. 

6. What is your favorite “guilty pleasure” TV show?
Anything with the Kardashians. I feel my brain cells shrink when I watch it, and I am absolutely beginning to loath Kim – but I just can’t help it.

7. What would your perfect Sunday afternoon look like?
In the winter: snuggled under a blanket with a good book – or maybe a good movie. In the summer: laying out with a good book.

8. What is one electronic you could not live without?
Probably my iPhone – from there I can blog, tweet, and read my Kindle!

9. Who inspires you?
Oh man. Honestly – this sounds so cheesy – my grandparents. They came to the US from Portugal & worked incredibly hard to learn English, have careers, and start a family (they met here) that they were able to not only provide for – but provide damn well for them. Also – they’re really freaking cute.

10.  How long have you known your best friend?
Well. My life-long best friend, Brittany, and I met when we were in Kindergarten. My boyfriend (who was in “best friend” territory before we started dating) has been around for 6 years, though we’ve only been dating for just less than 5.

11. *N Sync or BSB?
*N Sync. This was the only question I didn’t need to think long & hard about!

My questions for you!

  1. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
  2. Quick! You’re stranded on a desert island – what’s the first thing you do?
  3. What’s the best book you’ve read in the last year?
  4. Blue ink or black ink?
  5. If you had $500 to spend, and you could only buy 1 thing with it what would it be?
  6. Do you prefer the ocean or the mountains?
  7. What’s better – keeping a to-do list, or writing post-it note reminders?
  8. If it was possible to go on vacation to Mars, but you still had to endure the ridiculous travel (214 Earth days) to get there?
  9. What is your absolute favorite food – I’m talking, if you could only eat this one food every single day for every meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  10. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Can’t be both – gotta pick one.
  11. Mac or PC?