Unemployment, Day #37

I have officially been unemployed longer than ever before. Even the time between taking my last college course and finding my first “real” job wasn’t this long.

I’ve applied to about 70 jobs, and I’ve been on two interviews. One for a job I really want, and one for a job that turned out to be a complete bust (I mean, it’s really rude to advertise a full-time job, with benefits only to spring it on the candidate during the interview that “the scope has changed” and it’s now a part-time job, with no benefits, paying $9/hour). I scheduled a third interview, but the recruiter needed to reschedule, due to contracting the flu. (Side note: In Boston the mayor declared a health emergency due to the amount of people who have come down with the flu! I hope everyone is remembering to take their vitamins, drink their orange juice, and keep their hands clean!)

I can’t help the sinking feeling I’m getting that this period of unemployment is going to be quite a bit different than the last. I feel that I’ve somehow messed up big-time along the way, and now I’m going to be paying for it.

In the meantime, I’m trying to come up with some sort of “Plan B,” but I can’t seem to work anything out. Social Media, Marketing, and/or Event Planning are where I want to be – and they’re such hard fields to break into. Especially when your experience is short and choppy. I’m contemplating taking some courses to augment my experience, or perhaps get a Masters degree in something… but after the law school debacle I’m hesitant to take out any more loans on my education unless I somehow know that a) I will love the program and b) that it will have a significant ROI.