Christina’s Stunning Slimdown

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera – the epitome of the saying “big voice in a little body” – is on her way to becoming even tinier.

Christina Aguilera Slimdown

After the birth of her son, Max, the singer’s weight has fluctuated a bit (which is totally normal and expected, people!). Unfortunately, the press have had a field day with her, especially as she sits in the judges’ chair on The Voice. For the past couple of years, Christina’s weight seemed to have been getting away from her – and after an unflattering jaunt down the red carpet at the 2012 AMA’s the critiques came to a fever pitch.

It seems, though, that Aguilera has taken control back, and is making those critics each their words!

The power-house singer is looking positively petite after losing over 20 pounds! According to sources, her secret isn’t much of a secret at all – she just stayed on a strict diet and workout regime. Specifically, the “Fresh Diet program online, which regulated her to 1,600 calories a day” in addition to practicing yoga.

What do you think of Christina’s stunning transformation? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter!