Fifty Shades of Grey Casting News… Again.

Well, it’s another week which means that there’s more Fifty Shades of Grey casting news to discuss – but this time, it’s big!

The first official promotional images have been released for the film, featuring Dakota Johnson and Jamie Doran in their respective roles as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.

Fifty Shades of Grey casting: Dakota Johnson and Jamie Doran as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.
Fifty Shades of Grey casting: Dakota Johnson and Jamie Doran as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.

While there was some initial skepticism over whether or not the right casting call had been made, seeing these photos has us definitely on board with the decision. Jamie Doran has got that serious, slightly glaring but undressing you with his eyes look down pat, and Dakota Johnson has clearly perfected doe-eyed innocence.

What do you think?

Photo courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.