Growing up, I distinctly remember Christmas Eve being the most fun night ever. My parents used to host a huge Christmas Eve party, where all the adults would bring my sisters and I presents and then get rip-roaring drunk. As the adults got older, the parties quieted down. And as my sisters and I got older […]
Introducing Emy & Livy!
If you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or Instagram then this is old news but if not… get ready for complete cuteness overload. After putting Sasha down a few weeks ago Boyfriend and I were absolutely heartbroken. And after spending a few days home alone while Boyfriend was on a business trip it became […]
I’m Lusting After… Duck Boots
Oh, Duck Boots. One of the most quintessentially New England items of clothing/footwear ever. EVER. My parents have been attempting to get me to wear Duck Boots pretty much since I could walk. They’ve bought me a zillion pairs and I’ve worn them grudgingly. But now… I’m obsessed. I have no idea why, but suddenly […]
So, So Missed.
{I originally posted this on December 5, 2013 to The Royal Blogtini, but I wanted to put it here too. The entire post in its entirety is after the jump, so that those of you who aren’t interested don’t have to read it.}
Viral Blog Post – Marriage Isn’t For You – Isn’t That Sweet
Seth Adam Smith has done something most people can only hope for – he’s had a blog post go viral. His post, “Marriage Isn’t For You” outlines the reasons he got married to his wife, and begins with him admitting that after a year and a half of marriage, he has determined that marriage isn’t […]
I’m Lusting After… Watches
Are watches completely archaic and dated, or the perfect piece to complete an ensemble? We don’t know what it is, but every year around this time, we start thinking we should invest in a watch. It probably has something to do with the fact that the crisp fall air requires clothing that’s a bit more formal […]
- Personal
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Red Carpet Inspiration || Maria Menounos
Some of you may know this already (especially if you follow me on Twitter), but I’ve recently been asked to cover the red carpet for the America’s Got Talent final performances in New York City for HaveUHeard. Now, I’m not anticipating anything spectacular happening – and I’m certainly not going to be on camera (with the […]
Office Inspo
In addition to blogging, I’ve got a full-time job. Sad, I know. But I’ve gotta pay the bills somehow. Moving on! Every day, I arrive at work and step into my office, all proud and what not that I’ve actually got an office. Not just a desk somewhere, or a cubicle with flimsy little “walls,” and […]
Hit The Deck
As in, the pool deck. Well, it’s finally happened. I’m officially old – because my metabolism and ability to lose weight quickly is officially gone. It’s a bummer. After weeks (okay, months) of trying to get into a normal workout/running routine (I even signed up to run a road race at the end of August!), […]
I’m Lusting After… Midi Rings.
Midi Rings, otherwise known as Knuckle Rings, are rings that – well, sit at your knuckles. They’re often dainty, even if they’ve got the most punk-rock design to them, and come in a ridiculous number of styles and designs. Take a look at some of our faves below, and then head over to AmyO Jewelry, where […]