… Brave New World

So – it is with great excitement and a liiiittle bit of fear I announce to the world – I AM GOING TO LAW SCHOOL!  Most people close to me already know this… in fact, most people not close with me probably know this as well.  But the closer I get to the last day of being a “grown up” and reverting back to being a full-time student, the more excited I get.  So what if it’s going to cost roughly $1,000 per semester for books, and another $15k for tuition/expenses/etc.   IT ISN’T WORK! 🙂 … well, it isn’t my current place of employment, I’m sure it’ll be work – very hard work.  Difficult work.  That will require hours and hours of studying in a library, with books.  I AM SO EXCITED. … why you ask?

Well,  you all remember the Mac Truck v. School Bus debate (if not – click here & here) from November/December, right?  The Mac Truck v. School Bus were basically – being jobless, or going back to the job I eventually went back to, that I had originally left because I was not a huge fan, and it was a huge burden on my personal happiness.  I know that is a terrible thing to say, b/c the people there and the company itself are NOT bad, but it just wasn’t a happy working environment for me.  I felt as if it sucked the life out of me.  For a while there, I KNOW it was sucking the life out of me.  I would leave work every day & be in tears at the thought of having to return the following day.  Making the decision to go back there was terribly difficult, but in the end – the need to pay my bills and to continue to be a functioning member of society outweighed my loathing.

Making the decision to go to law school wasn’t necessarily an easy one.  I have always known I wanted to be a lawyer, and I took the LSATs my senior year of college (roughly 2 years ago) and then just sat on them, unsure of whether or not I was ready to commit to that much more student loan debt.  However, going back to work at a place I wasn’t overly happy made applying to law school easy.  Once I got in – I had to go back to trying to decide whether the student loan debt would be worth it.  When you look around the internet for advice on this stuff (note: don’t do that – the internet gives scary advice), the entire world seems to be in agreement that right now is THE WORST TIME EVER to go to law school.  But I have decided to look at it like this: You can’t do shit with just a bachelor’s degree anymore, unless you know a guy who knows a guy who owns a huge company.  Otherwise – a bachelor’s is barely more impressive than a high school diploma.  So any degree of higher education will benefit me more than where I am right now.  And regardless of whether or not my Juris Doctorate will lead to a career making $160k as a lawyer (which – let’s face it, it won’t) it’ll almost definitely lead to something better than making jack-shit as someone’s assistant (disclaimer: I LOVE MY BOSS – he is a GREAT guy and I am truly going to miss him.  But I did not bust my ass for 3.5 years of college [graduating EARLY] to be someone’s assistant forever).


Since I’ll be going back to school, and will no longer be terrified of the wrath of an employer reading this (although, isn’t the wrath of a Dean worse?) I’ll be updating [hopefully much] more frequently, and much more freely.

That’s all for now.  I really felt the need to get that out into the universe, because … I can.  And in 45 years I might need this blog to remember what happened in my life.  🙂

One Reply to “… Brave New World”

  1. […] of my life) and finally decided to take the plunge and apply.  I got accepted. (Feel free to go read the post where I excitedly announce it to the world – which now makes me look like a moron.) After […]

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