… blue books can bite me.

In the world of law school there are is a 2 word term that strikes fear into the heart of every student. “Blue Book”. Now, “blue book” actually has 2 meanings – both equally terrifying. 1) The book used to write exam answers in, which has a blue cover. 2) The official citation guide, for citing cases in legal writing.

I’m currently referring to definition #2, because as it turns out – I believe I might be Blue Book illiterate. I was given a worksheet by my legal skills professor that needs to be completed by tomorrow’s class, but I am pretty sure that all hopes of completing it properly have been thoroughly quashed. I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. After flipping through the “Blue Book” for roughly 2 hours, I’ve given up – because no matter how many times I read the words on the page, I can’t really put them into practice. Especially because the book itself doesn’t really include “instructions”. I understand the concept of having to work through things, learn from your mistakes whatever – but a little bit of instruction never hurt anyone when they’re entering an entirely new domain in life.

Additionally – the worksheet has typos on it, and that bothers me.