Quitting Cold Turkey.

I never understood why people couldn’t do things like quit smoking. It can’t be that hard – right? You know it’s bad for you. You know there’s no benefit. So just … stop.

Well. As it turns out, I am stuck in a similar (although less harmful to my health) position.

I believe my law school endeavor has come to an end. If I’ve learned anything, its that I can’t see myself in the legal profession for the rest of my life, never mind sitting through law school for the next 2.5 years. Law doesn’t interest me. It’s boring. And the worst part – it isn’t difficult. At least if I were struggling I could say “I have to quit, I can’t do it” – but that isn’t the case. The only issue that I am having is that it is so incredibly boring and uninspiring to me that I would rather stab myself in the eyes with a fork than keep going.

So how is this like quitting smoking?


I know I should quit law school. It makes me unhappy. It bores me to tears. It frustrates me every day because I’d rather be doing anything else than homework or sitting in class. But I can’t. Because then I will be “the girl who quit law school” and no one wants to be THAT girl.

One Reply to “Quitting Cold Turkey.”

  1. No one wants to be “that miserable girl” either.

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