This is absolutely impossible… right?

According to an article I just read on Gawker, with supporting evidence provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education by Richard Vedder, approximately 17 million individuals in the United States hold a bachelor’s degree, but do jobs that do not require a such a high “level of skill”. Example –  Of 317,000 waiters/waitresses with at least a bachelor’s degree, 8,000 of them hold “professional or doctoral” degree. THAT IS INSANE!

And it works to further terrify me of my job prospects post law school. All I’ve been hearing about recently is the lack of jobs in the legal profession, and the fact that the cost of a attaining a JD is not worth it, because the ROI has drastically decreased in recent years. The fact that, statistically, it is more likely that I end up as a waitress (again) than as a lawyer after spending a combined (undergrad + law) total of $160k on my education is terrifying.

So this must be some type of terrible joke, right? I mean – there is no way that people with their doctorate are waiting tables, right? Because if genuinely smart people are out there waiting tables, there is no hope for me – the girl who in 6th grade got the comment “content with mediocrity” written on her report card.

On that note – I should probably stop watching Disney channel & get to work on my memo.

PS: I tried adding some images to this post, but unfortunately WordPress isn’t cooperating. Maybe I’ll update later. Probably not though.