Awkward/Awesome Thursday

  • Ranting about someone & then seeing them come around the corner… and they definitely heard you.
  • Working somewhere for an entire week & having no idea where the bathroom is, until you ask someone who then looks at you like you have 12 heads & bursts out laughing… 
  • Going on a tirad about the ridiculousness of online dating, only to realize that the person you are talking to met their significant other via online dating… whoops.
  • Having conversations with co-works whose names you just don’t know.
  • Answering the phone at work & having to pause 5 seconds to remember what it is you’re going to say, since the name of your current company & the name of your previous company are very, very similar.
  • Getting a cold during your 2nd week of work, when you don’t have any sick days/personal days to use & thus having to suffer & sniffle through an entire workday. Bleh.
  • Pay Day! After not working since August, cashing my first pay check felt amaaazing.
  • Buying all new clothes for work, 2 sizes smaller than the last time you updated your work wardrobe (… and yes, I tend to do this updating in big batches, rather than piece by piece. Silly, I know.).
  • Reconnecting with old friends via Facebook, Text & Twitter. I have no idea how people kept in touch before the advent of e-mail & social media. I would have given up on snail mail super quickly.
  • Getting to help out the local chapter of my sorority with their recruitment activities. The chapter I was initiated into is about 2 hours from home, so I can’t get up there to help with things, but the local chapter is about 10 minutes away! Yay for still being able to be involved in my sorority!