
A lame blog post title, I know. BUT…
As I’m sitting at work, looking out the window at the sunshine & 50 degree weather (ok, so I’m not really looking at the temperature, but you know what I mean) I can’t help but fantasize about spring & summer weather. I also can’t help thinking about one thing I will really, REALLY miss about my old job…
Yes, I realize that I complained about that place more than necessary, & there were times they drove me crazy, & that there were even days where I cried on the way to & from work, but there were some good things. And good people.
But the BEST thing – ever – was the fact that my office building was right on the water (… ok, not a beautiful beach or anything, & the view was of some type of processing plant, but still – water) & there was a cute little dock, with benches & pavillions. And my friend & I (who I miss deeearly! Yay for shoutouts) would go for little strolls in the afternoon when we wanted fresh air, or take our lunch breaks by the water with magazines or boosk in hand. And we’d sit by the water, dodging seagulls (because those bastards aren’t afraid of anything!) & complain about work.
And we’d go on pedicure dates once a month. Which was fantastic. Sadly, I don’t have anyone at my new place of employment to go on pedicure dates with. Scratch that. I don’t have anyone at my new place of employment that I can even be friends with. I am the youngest person by at least 10 years, if not more. Oh well.
So, what’s your favorite thing to do to break out of the office on a nice day?