Britney Spears – “Femme Fatale” Review

I’m currently listening to Britney Spears’ 6th number one album, Femme Fatale, which I finally got around to purchasing last night (via iTunes, obviously. Does anyone still buy actual CDs?).
Let me just say, I am in love. I started listening to it this morning while I was getting ready, burned it to a CD, listened to it on my way to work (during my 2 mile commute) and am now listening to it at my desk.
Obviously, I am super excited for Ms. Spears to go on tour this summer, and fully intend to see her when she comes to Boston (whether or not I can get tickets is another story though).  And you know what, I don’t care if she isn’t dancing as well as she used to when she was 16. She’s almost 30. She has two [adorable] little boys. She basically had a complete mental break down a couple years ago. Considering all of that, she is still absolutely amazing in my book.
And, her concerts have never been about her singing and dancing. It’s a show. Her dancers are heavily involved, and I’m sure that they’ll step up their game and keep her looking amazing as she crosses the country this summer.
Album Grade: A-
  • Points off because a lot of the songs sound very similar.
  • I could listen to the entire CD while working out (if I actually worked out) and never feel like I needed to switch to something more uplifting – I feel like the album was made for the gym!
  • Favorite Song: #3, Inside Out (which reminds me a lot of Justin Timberlake’s “Cry Me A River”)
So, have you heard Britney’s album? What do you think? Grade it in the comments folks!