Radio Silence

You guys, nothing interesting has happened to me in a while, & I haven’t been overly inspired to write anything since the Oscars. I’m trying to stay away from the Charlie Sheen drama because, while it’s a gold mine of comedy, he’s obviously a very sick man, & is doing far more than just making really bad life decisions – we’re watching a man have a complete mental breakdown & self-destruct. So yeah, I’ve got nothing to say about that, except that while it was amusing at first, now it’s just scary & ridiculous that he has people surrounding him who seem to be encouraging his behavior. Enablers suck.
So yeah, sorry for all the silence – I don’t really wanna just write for the sake of writing, because then you’ll be reading crap, & you’ll hate me. Obviously I don’t want that.
But tomorrow (Thursday) you’ll get your weekly Akward/Awesome, & Friday I hope to post a Link Love. And perhaps tonight, or throughout the day, I will write a post about something fun & exciting… but no promises.